Environmental Physiology in a Changing Climate

Month: August 2019

John Presents Summer Research

Fred (L) and John (R)

Undergraduate John Amiel Flores presented his summer research at the UC Davis Educational Enrichment and Outreach Programs’ 8th annual Poster Symposium. With guidance from graduate student mentor Fred Nelson, John worked hard this summer studying differences in thermal tolerance and heat hardening between male and female mosquitofish. He conducted this research in the Todgham Lab as a part of the Biology Undergraduate Scholars Program Honors Research  program.

Congratulations Mandy!

Todgham lab student Mandy Frazier completed her Master of Science degree in the Animal Biology Graduate Group. She studied the physiological differences between cannibal and non-cannibal burbot. Her research took her to Idaho where she worked with the Kootenai Tribe to study the burbot in their conservation hatchery. Mandy is continuing her research with the Todgham lab as she begins her PhD in the Graduate Group in Ecology this fall where she will study the physiology of Antarctic fish. She has already begun her second field season at the McMurdo research station with the Todgham lab Antarctic team. Well done Mandy!!

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