Environmental Physiology in a Changing Climate

Month: May 2020

Welcome Christina!

We are excited to have Dr. Christina Pasparakis join the lab as a post doctoral scholar. Christina will be working with delta and longfin smelt to understand how they are affected by turbidity and temperature. She has expertise in stress physiology, intertidal invertebrates,  and early life stage fishes. She completed her master’s degree with Anne at San Francisco State and we are excited to have her back!

Undergraduates present at virtual undergraduate research conference

Two undergraduates from the Todgham lab presented at the 2020 UC Davis Undergraduate Research Conference. This year the conference was held online in a virtual format due to the current coronavirus situation. Gabi Mukai presented her senior thesis research on juvenile Chinook salmon. She studied the effects of a preliminary mild heat or hypoxic stressor on hypoxia tolerance after fish recovered from the mild stressor for different amounts of time. John Amiel Flores presented his summer research project studying differences in thermal tolerance and heat hardening ability between male and female mosquitofish. Both students created excellent video recordings of their presentations!

New Publication: Cannibalism and metabolic performance in burbot

Graduate student Mandy Frazier published her Master’s thesis studying differences in metabolic performance between cannibal and non-cannibal burbot. She conducted this collaborative study with the Kootenai Tribe of Idaho Twin Rivers Hatchery in Moyie Springs, Idaho. She found that cannibal burbot rely more on carbohydrate metabolism, while non-cannibal burbot rely on lipid metabolism more. These performance differences provide valuable insight to managers of conservation hatcheries since most hatcheries select against cannibalism in order to maximize fish production. Read more about this study in the journal Conservation Physiology here or check out our publications page. Congratulations Mandy!


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